Camillo Torres

Offering a beautiful, sustainable building

Camillo Torres

In total, over 3,000m2 of sheet metal and over 10,000m2 of AluCopper04 anodized profile, some brushed, was used. AluCopper04 was selected for its similarity to the original window frames.

Project details

Camillo Torres Description

Project Description

The renovation of the Camillo Torres building of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) resulted in this beautiful, sustainable building! The 2 wings enclose a courtyard garden. In total over 3.000m2 panels and over 10.000m2 profiles were anodised for this building in the colour AluCopper04. A part of this has a brushed finish. The colour AluCopper04 was chosen, because it is close to the colour of the original window frames.

Camillo Torres

AluCopper 04