The largest anthurium and phalaeonopsis grower in the world

Alumet has anodized the more than 1000 m2 of brushed profiles and facade panels in the colour AluGreen. This colour represents the green character of the company.
Project details
- ProjectAnthura
- LocationAnthuriumweg 14 - Bleiswijk - Netherlands
- ArchitectAtelier PRO
- PhotographyMVL
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Project Description
The renovated headquarters of Anthura, the largest anthurium and phalaeonopsis grower in the world, does justice to the international position and the innovative, high-tech character of the company. The focus was on a 'renewal construction' in which the floors and metal construction of the existing building were retained and reused, but the facade and layout were completely redesigned. Alumet has anodized the more than 1000 m2 of brushed profiles and facade panels in the colour AluGreen. This colour represents the green character of the company.

The office tells the 'story of Anthura,' giving visitors insight into the breeding and growth of Anthurium and Phalaenopsis plants, along with the innovation, nature connection, family history, and future developments.